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essalamu aleykum ve rahmatullahi ve barakatuhu

This means "see the greeting hello".


essalamu aleykum ve rahmatullahi ve barakatuhu

Salam alaikum! This person is politically center-right and conservative, but also has a moderate Islamic outlook. He is fresh out of Friday prayers and has a mild AKP (political party) but also has a heavy AKP (political party) with interests.


essalamu aleykum ve rahmatullahi ve barakatuhu

Many people at the university have been complaining because they used a greeting sentence as their login password, and now their teacher is unable to access their account.


essalamu aleykum ve rahmatullahi ve barakatuhu

(see: ve aleyna aleykum salam verahmetullahi veberekatuhu)

(see: essalamun aleykum ve rahmatullah)

(see: essalamun aleykum ve rahmatullah)

(see: god bless)

(see: amen)


essalamu aleykum ve rahmatullahi ve barakatuhu

Hello everyone! The Sophistacn asked a lot of questions that made people think about their country.

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